Sunday, May 31, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Recipe: Chicken/Shrimp Fajitas 

I am seriously loving all of the recipes in the Fix Extreme book! We made the chicken fajita recipe and actually substituted the chicken for shrimp and it was AMAZING!! I love to make extra so I can have some for lunch too! You can use lettuce leaves for shells , or if you are using a yellow for dinner you can mix with rice or use tortillas/shells!

If using shrimp I do not marinate with the veggies since the shrimp only takes a couple of minutes to cook. Marinate the veggies, cook them to your liking then add the shrimp. The shrimp will take on all of the seasoning!

This recipe makes 4 servings and 2 fajitas each

1tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp olive oil, divided, use
4 (5-6oz) raw chicken breast, boneless, skinless, cut into 1/2 in strips
1 medium red or green red bell pepper, cut into thin strips
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
1 tbsp fresh lime juice
8 large romaine (or butter) lettuce leaves
1/2 medium avocado, thinly sliced
1 cup fresh salsa
lime wedge for garnish optional

Combine chili powder, salt, cumin, garlic powder, and 1 tsp oil in large resealable plastic bag.

Add chicken, bell pepper, and onion; mix gently to coat.

Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

Heat remaining 1 tsp. oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.

Empty contents of bag into skilled; cook stirring frequently, for 5 to 6 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through.

Remove from heat.  Add lime juice.

Evenly top lettuce leaves with chicken mixture, avocado and salsa.
Garnish with lime wedges if desired.

Containers:  2 Green, 1/2 purple, 1 red, 1/2 blue

You gotta try this!  It's amazing!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Tips for eating out

Its Saturday and I'm sure your weekend is packed with picnics, graduation parties, birthday parties or dinner at a restaurant. As I'm writing this sentence my blood pressure is already starting to rise because I know that all of these things are filled with high fat, sugary, and hard to resist temptations. The last picnic I went to the menu consisted of pigs in a blanket, roast beef, stuffed chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, salad, and fruit salad. Oh, and need I forget the beer, liquor, pop, cookies and cake! So needless to say there was not much for me to choose from. I did my best to keep it clean. People kept giving me weird stares and offering me cake and cookies. I politely declined and drank my water and ate my fruit. When I got home I prepared myself a healthy snack.

To keep from having to stress every time you go out in public to a restaurant or an event here are some tips fromTosca Reno's Stripped book to keep your blood pressure in check!

Planning is best, when you are out you always need a game plan. You should avoid eating out as much as possible because once you enter a restaurant you surrender control over what is in your food.

1. Develop an "I don't have to eat it all!" Mindset. Make up your mind before you go that you don't have to get the most bang for your buck by cleaning your plate. KEEP YOUR GOAL IN MIND.

2. Satisfy hunger only-Don't Gorge. Eat for the purpose of satisfying your hunger, but no more.

3. Start small and green. Start your meal with a salad, without dressing. Use a spritz of lemon or some balsamic vinegar.

4. Broth is best. When there is no salad option have a broth based soup.

5. NO BREAD PLEASE! Remember this is not helping you achieve your 10 pound weight loss goal.

6. Clean Cooking techniques rock! Look for entree options featuring steamed or raw veggies and grilled, baked or roasted meats or fish. If they aren't listed, ask the server to prepare it that way. Oh and don't always trust the low fat or fat free symbols.

7. Portion control is in. Have a good look at your plate when it arrives. Ask for a doggie bag and split your meal in half.

8. Fletcherize. The practice of chewing each mouthful a min of 25 times. It gives your body a chance to recognize when you are becoming full. (This is very hard to do when you are with kids, because you never know when they have had enough and you will have to leave your meal behind to take the kids out).

9. Zero Tolerance. You want to avoid alcohol because sugar can derail you in the most powerful way. Have sparkling water with lemon or lime slices.

10. Stop before the end. Think of your plan to shed those pounds, if you can't resist something sweet ask for a dish of fresh fruit and leave it at that!

If you doubt your ability to resist restaurant offerings then pre-eat! Then when you go to a restaurant or social event you don't have to worry about what's on the menu and you can focus on socializing.

If you can't resist the dessert table then pack a few clean cookies in a Ziploc bag and pull them out with your coffee while everyone else is eating their sugar laden cookies and cake. If you have to go through a drive through, familiarize yourself with the menu. Never super size and make smart food choices by ordering grilled chicken and a side salad. Cut up the chicken and place on salad and go with olive and vinegar dressing or, low fat balsamic.

One of the most difficult things to manage while following a healthy lifestyle is your social life. So surround yourself with family and friends that support what you are doing and are not sabotaging your efforts. Instead of going out drinking or to a restaurant here are some alternatives.

Meet a friend at the gym

Have a game night at home with healthy clean snacks

Batters up- organize a kickball or softball game in your neighborhood or with the kids.

Volunteer together at a local charity

Meet at the park for a walk or bike ride

Take a zumba class with friends- I am doing this at Northway Church every Thursday night! AWESOME!

Eating clean and creating a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to mean that you are becoming a boring person. There is so much more to experience than food and drinks! Live outside the box and you will have people wondering what you are doing because your energy and personality are on fire!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


 These meatballs are delicious and great for meal prep on Sunday!  


* Nonstick Cooking Spray
* 1 1/2lbs lean ground turkey
* 1 tsp sea salt
*1/2 tsp ground black pepper
*1 large egg, lightly beaten
* 3/4 cup quick-cooking oats
* 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
* 2 TBSP chopped cilantro
*2 TBSP all natural tomato sauce

1.  Preheat the oven to 400F; lightly spray a large baking sheet and set aside

2.  Combine all ingredients in a large bowl; mix well by hand

3.  Roll mixture into 30 in inch meatballs; place on prepared baking sheet

4. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until reaches 165 degrees.

21 Days Fix : 4 meatballs 1 R, 1/2 Y

Friday, May 22, 2015

My Story

My weight has always fluctuated.  Ever since I gained the Freshman "40" in college I have been on some kind of diet, some healthy, some not.  I have never been truly comfortable in my own skin even if it may seem like I have the most confidence in the world. I knew that I needed to make a change... I wanted to be confident and happy!

 My breaking point..  stresses in life caused me to start drinking a little too much wine.  After all I needed a stress reliever at the end of the day after working full time and taking care of two kids ages 4 and 2.  I put on a little weight, not much but enough that my pants didn't fit anymore.  I also starting working from home full time which meant open access to the kitchen all day long. Enter Beachbody... I don't remember how I saw T25... it wasn't an infomercial but it may be have been a banner or something on a website.  I was like sweet!  25 minutes a day!  At the time I was going to the gym everyday taking all sorts of classes which I loved!  But my body wasn't changing... I wasn't losing weight and I was basically doing the same exercises over and over again, not switching it up like all the fitness experts tell you to do.  What did Albert Einstein say?

  Finding Beachbody changed my life.  My pants fit again!  Working out from home 30 minutes a day or 25 with T25 was awesome!  They tell you what workout to do everyday and tell you exactly what to eat so you get results.  No gimmicks, no easy way out, just hard work and I love it.  You also join a challenge group on Facebook.   It was awesome!  You get a coach and check in everyday with other people who are doing the same workouts as you and you get tips on getting your water in, modifying exercises, etc.  It truly keeps you motivated!  I've been doing the workouts for over 2 years now. I've completed T25, P90x3, 21 day Fix, Insanity Max 30 and I'm just recently a 21 day fix Extreme grad!  I've lost weight but more importantly I've learned the value of healthy eating as well (Not Lean Cuisines!!). Eating bad food sort of sucks the life out of you - it makes you so tired and makes you crave more of it!!! When you eat healthy food you have more energy - all day energy!!! What else give you energy?  EXERCISE!!! Those endorphins make you feel AMAZING!!! The more you move the better you feel!

I feel better now than I ever have.  I'm happier and I feel more confident. I even have a more positive attitude towards life.   I look forward to getting up everyday and working out and checking in my challenge groups.  Yep, I still do them!  They keep me motivated!  I even had Cha (my husband) do the 21 Day Fix Extreme with me and he lost 10 pounds!  I think it also instilled some really healthy eating/exercise habits too!

Because of the great support I received from the challenge groups I decided I want to do the same thing for other people.  It's hard to commit to changing your life and eating healthy and exercising especially in the beginning.  It gets easier and makes you feel amazing!   I want to be your support system and motivation to stay focused.  I have learned so many tips and tricks along the way and I want to share them.  Who's with me!

So.... What is a Challenge Group?!?

Hmmm... What is a challenge group?  What is a coach?  A Beachbody coach is someone who coaches you along your  journey to a healthier you!  When you sign-up up as a challenger with beachbody, your coach will place you in a challenge group where you check in everyday to share with the group how your day was in terms of eating and exercise.  the group shared their meal plans, recipes, tips and tricks to make the program work for you!  The best part of the challenge group is the motivation you receive from everyone who is in the same boat as you.  You share your frustrations and your victories!  You do not need to go through this journey alone!  We are there to help you and guide you along the way!   

Memorial Day Party Recipes

The holiday weekend is upon us and I know that many of my customers are FREAKIN out to say the least about how they are going to stay on track this weekend.  So I decided that this would be a perfect time to give you some great picnic recipes that would compliment any backyard BBQ.  I even gave a few a trial run last night in preparation for this post!  First I have some great tips to help you stay on track.

My #1 Motto is BE PROACTIVE NOT REACTIVE in your planning.
So what that means is sit down each week and plan out your meals.  I literally get a word document and write down each meal, while having a piece of paper and pen beside me to mark down all of the grocery items that I will need to get.  Then, I do my shopping.  I am set up for success with a plan in place and there is no standing in front of the fridge wondering whats for dinner.  Then, I am not in a position to say, I have nothing for dinner let's go out to eat!
Then, on that calendar I always look at what events or obligations I have for the week.  I always ask myself, how is that going to affect my meal plan, exercise and ultimate goal!  Then, I decide what meal that I am going to allow myself to splurge and eat what I want.  Once I figure that out, I have a goal in mind and the rest of the week I am spot on so that I can enjoy that day without feeling guilty!  So if that meal is this weekend then by all means have a great time!  But if you are like me and have already been out for dinner this week then this weekend is time to stay on track!  I don't feel guilty and I certainly don't feel like I am missing out on life.  I have allowed myself the chance to enjoy life and I also know how good it feels when I feed my body good food!  So no guilt because when I look in the mirror and feel confident that is so much more to me than feeling bloated and gross because I overindulged on dessert!

Tips for going to events:
1.  If I am going to a party and I don't know what foods will be served I will have my Shakeology or a small meal before going to the party.  That way when I walk in the door I am not ravenous and eat everything in sight.

2.  I make the focus on my get together's on socializing and not the food.  So I get a glass of water and talk to old friends, family and just keep busy.  I offer to set up, get the kids meals prepared and then do the dishes afterwards.  Just the act of keeping my mind busy helps me to not munch.

3.  Avoid standing over the food table to talk.  So take yourself away from the food area.  When you sit around a table and talk with appetizers and munchies in the middle you are more likely to mindlessly eat.  Instead, take your discussions outside or to a couch away from the food!

4.  If you decide to have a drink or two my rule of thumb is that for every drink you have drink one full glass of water.  It keeps you hydrated and full!

5.  If this is your scheduled indulgence meal then DON'T feel guilty about it!  You have earned it!  But I do recommend that you are mindful of your portion sizes.  So indulging doesn't mean you eat 2 pieces of cake, fried chicken, potato salad, a couple of margaritas and appetizers!  It means that you follow the guidelines for portion control and choose the things that you want to splurge the most on!  Then, go from there.  Remember to eat slowly and when you are 80% full STOP!  Don't stuff yourself!

6.  Get up and do your workout that day!  If you know that you are going to have a busy weekend then make sure you get in your workout!  Get up early and squeeze in a quick HIIT workout before your busy day starts.  When you workout you are more likely to make better decisions throughout the day!

Now that I have given you some of my tips I want to also share with you some of my recipes that I will be taking to BBQ's this weekend!  I always offer to bring a clean appetizer or side dish, that way if nothing else is what I call healthy then at least I had my shake and I can eat my own food I brought!

White bean burgers
Great Northern White Bean Burgers
  • 1 yellow onion, roughly chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, smashed
  • 1 cup loosely packed parsley
  • 1 cup loosely packed basil
  • 1 tbsp dijon mustard
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1/2 tsp celery seed
  • 1/2 tbsp sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 14/5 oz can great Northern White beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 cup cooked brown rice
  • 1/2 c oat bran
  • 2 tbsp flaxseed meal
  • 1 cup whole grain breadcrumbs ( I just put 2 slices of Ezekiel break in the food processor and viola my own bread crumbs)
  • 6 whole grain hamburger buns (optional) I just served mine on a bed of lettuce
  • Add onion, garlic, parsley and basil to a food processor and pulse to combine.  Add mustard, egg white, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, celery seed, salt and pepper, and pulse until finely chopped.  Add white beans and pulse until combined, but still chunky.
  • Transfer mixture to a bowl and add brown rice, oat bran, flaxseed meal and breadcrumbs.  If mixture is too moist and doesn't easily hold the shape of a patty, add more breadcrumbs until desired consistency is achieved.  Shape mixture into six patties, each four inches in diameter.
  • You can either grill the burgers or heat a nonstick skillet over medium low heat and coat with cooking spray.  Cook patties three to five minutes on each side until browned.  For a crispier burger, cook an additional 5 minutes in a preheated oven 400 degrees.
  • Serve with whole grain buns or on a bed of lettuce with tomato, red onion and mustard.  I put a slice of red onion, avocado, tomato, and salsa on top of my burger and served with some  home made sweet potato fries.  Even my kids ate their burgers! 
Sweet Potato Fries
Seriously this couldn't be an easier side dish to make!  I literally took some sweet potatoes and sliced them down like steak fries.  Then I put them in a Ziploc bag with some olive oil and taco seasoning.  Shake the bag until well coated and then pour onto a baking sheet.  Place fries in the oven on 400 degrees until crispy and tender in the middle.

7 Citrus Salad
This recipe is perfect for any outdoor BBQ.  It's light refreshing and CLEAN!
Literally you just cut up a bunch of citrus fruit and throw it in a bowel.
What I use is:
Mandarin Oranges with juice drained
Blood Orange
Kumquat, peeled, washed, remove seeds,cut in half lengthwise
Ugli Fruit
2 tbsp fresh mint, chopped.

Toss all fruit together in a bowl and refrigerate until ready to serve!

Guacamole dip
My favorite appetizer and it's perfect served with Food Should Taste Good Tortilla Chips.
  • 3 ripe avocados
  • Juice of 1/2 fresh lime
  • 1 tbsp chopped cilantro
  • 1/2 red or purple onion, minced well
  • 1 clove garlic, passed through a garlic press
  • Sea salt and fresh black pepper.
Cut avocados in half.  Discard pits and scoop flesh medium bowl.  Add remaining ingredients to bowl and mix until just combined.  Don't overmix!  

Quinoa Taco Salad
This is a perfect side dish or even as a meal for those that are vegetarian at the gathering.  I had this for dinner one night and fell in love instantly!  As an appetizer or side dish put in a large serving bowel with smaller bowels of cheese, tortilla chips and lettuce to make your own salad.

Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!