Friday, May 22, 2015

My Story

My weight has always fluctuated.  Ever since I gained the Freshman "40" in college I have been on some kind of diet, some healthy, some not.  I have never been truly comfortable in my own skin even if it may seem like I have the most confidence in the world. I knew that I needed to make a change... I wanted to be confident and happy!

 My breaking point..  stresses in life caused me to start drinking a little too much wine.  After all I needed a stress reliever at the end of the day after working full time and taking care of two kids ages 4 and 2.  I put on a little weight, not much but enough that my pants didn't fit anymore.  I also starting working from home full time which meant open access to the kitchen all day long. Enter Beachbody... I don't remember how I saw T25... it wasn't an infomercial but it may be have been a banner or something on a website.  I was like sweet!  25 minutes a day!  At the time I was going to the gym everyday taking all sorts of classes which I loved!  But my body wasn't changing... I wasn't losing weight and I was basically doing the same exercises over and over again, not switching it up like all the fitness experts tell you to do.  What did Albert Einstein say?

  Finding Beachbody changed my life.  My pants fit again!  Working out from home 30 minutes a day or 25 with T25 was awesome!  They tell you what workout to do everyday and tell you exactly what to eat so you get results.  No gimmicks, no easy way out, just hard work and I love it.  You also join a challenge group on Facebook.   It was awesome!  You get a coach and check in everyday with other people who are doing the same workouts as you and you get tips on getting your water in, modifying exercises, etc.  It truly keeps you motivated!  I've been doing the workouts for over 2 years now. I've completed T25, P90x3, 21 day Fix, Insanity Max 30 and I'm just recently a 21 day fix Extreme grad!  I've lost weight but more importantly I've learned the value of healthy eating as well (Not Lean Cuisines!!). Eating bad food sort of sucks the life out of you - it makes you so tired and makes you crave more of it!!! When you eat healthy food you have more energy - all day energy!!! What else give you energy?  EXERCISE!!! Those endorphins make you feel AMAZING!!! The more you move the better you feel!

I feel better now than I ever have.  I'm happier and I feel more confident. I even have a more positive attitude towards life.   I look forward to getting up everyday and working out and checking in my challenge groups.  Yep, I still do them!  They keep me motivated!  I even had Cha (my husband) do the 21 Day Fix Extreme with me and he lost 10 pounds!  I think it also instilled some really healthy eating/exercise habits too!

Because of the great support I received from the challenge groups I decided I want to do the same thing for other people.  It's hard to commit to changing your life and eating healthy and exercising especially in the beginning.  It gets easier and makes you feel amazing!   I want to be your support system and motivation to stay focused.  I have learned so many tips and tricks along the way and I want to share them.  Who's with me!

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